HIM-U 6th Diocese Conference 2021


June 11 // 18:30 GMT


18:30 GMT Welcome – Pastor C Bernard Graham ( HIM-U UK)

18:40 Prayer & Praise Time (HIM - UK)

19:00 Introduction of the Planning Team – Pastor C Bernard Graham

19:15 Bishop S Musa Korfeh - Key Note Address and Introduction of Bishop Darlingston G Johnson,

19:30 Special Rendition – Sister Abi Turay - HIM UK

Bishop Darlingston Johnson, Presiding Bishop HIM-U
Keys to Bearing Lasting Fruits

20:45 Announcements & Offering

Closing Prayer Pastor Gibril Turay

June 11-13, 2021

June 12 // 15:30 GMT


15:30 GMT Welcome – Pastor Billa Evariste Zong-Naba

15:40 Prayer & Praise Time (HIM U – Anger France )

16:00 Pastor Evareste – Introduce of speaker for Session 2

16:10 Bishop Julius Laggah, Bishop of 2nd Diocese
The Importance of the Holy Spirit in Bearing Lasting Fruits

17:10 Announcement & Offering

17:30 Closing


18:30 GMT Welcome – Pastor Billa Evariste Zong-Naba

18:40 Prayer & Praise Time (HIM U – Anger France )

18:50 Pastor Evareste – Introduce of speaker for Session 3

19:00 Rev Henri Dibi, Pastor HIM-U Cathedral, Abidjan, Côte-d'Ivoire
The Role of the Family in Bearing Lasting Fruits

20:10 Announcement & Offering

20:30 Closing

Register Below!


June 13 // 18:30 GMT


18:40 Prayer & Praise Time (HIM U – Romania Team)

18:50 Pastor Florin – Introduce of speaker for Session 4

19:00 Bishop Darlingston Johnson, Presiding Bishop HIM-U

Closing Remarks

20:10 Announcement & Offering

20:30 Closing

18:30 GMT Welcome – Pastor Adam Florin - Romania

18:40 Prayer & Praise Time (HIM U – Romania Team)

18:50 Pastor Florin – Introduce of speaker for Session 4

19:00 Bishop Darlingston Johnson, Presiding Bishop

Closing Remarks

20:10 Announcement & Offering

20:30 Closing
