Help Bring the Gospel and Aid to Romanian Villages!

Pastor Florin and Mikayla Florin, Harvest Romania

Pastor Florin and Mikayla Florin, Harvest Romania


Help us raise $10,000 to build a portable church in a Romanian Village!

Two years ago, we began a work in Romania, led by Pastor Florin and Mikayla Adam. Over the last two years, they’ve been actively reaching the villages of Romania preaching the Gospel, and providing humanitarian relief, food, and clothing to various communities.

Many people have given their lives to Christ as a result of their outreach! We’re excited to share they they are now in the process of purchasing portable containers to begin having church services in some of the villages that are too far from the church.

They need your help in purchasing those containers. Here are 3 ways you can help:

  1. Pray for the nation of Romania, especially those who don’t know Jesus

  2. Click “Donate” below to give towards our Romania missions efforts

  3. Share this information with someone.

Your giving makes a difference! Thank you!


Country Profile

Harvest Churches: 1

Harvest Missionaries: 2

Harvest Projects:
Currently ministering to people outdoors in 5 villages. We want to purchase a container that can be used as a portable church in one of the villages. This allows us to hold services especially during the winter when it’s too cold to meet outside

Project Goal: $10,000


20 Million

Capital: Bucharest

Location: Southeastern Europe, bordering the Black Sea, between Bulgaria and Ukraine

Nationality: Romanian

Ethnic Groups
Romanian 83.4%
Hungarian 6.1%
Romani 3.1%
Ukrainian 0.3%
German 0.2%
Other 0.7%
Unspecified 6.1% (2011 est.)

Romanian (official)—85.4%
Other 1%
Unspecified 6.1% (2011 est.)

Eastern Orthodox—81.9%
Roman Catholic—4.3%
Other (includes Muslim) 0.9%
None or atheist 0.2%
Unspecified 6.3% (2011 est.)