Frequently Asked Questions


  1.  What is the significance of the new name, and the decision made to change the name?

    Our new name is both a prophetic revelation of what we are to be and a faith declaration. Each word is significant. “Harvest” focuses on our mission. “Intercontinental” on our scope. “Ministries” on our method. And “Unlimited” on our God

  2. Will the Bethel Ministries under Bethel World Outreach Ministries International (BWOMI) also change?
    Yes. Each church now become Harvest Intercontinental Church

  3. How did we implement the changes?
    During the convention in October 2020, there was a vote to adopt the new name and with a majority vote as per the church's constitution, the name was changed. We are currently in the midst of a transitional process where, with the help of professionals, we are gradually transitioning to Harvest Intercontinental Ministries-Unlimited 

  4. Are millennials on the planning committee/ strategy board?

    Yes, there are millennials and more are encouraged to join the committee.

  5. What is expected of us members in terms of our participation in this transition of the name?

    If one can not join any of the committees, we need to prepare ourselves to fulfill the vision of the new name: a world where no one lives or dies without Christ

  6. Does the motto change, or does it remain the same?

    Our motto is still Win the lost at all cost, however, we will make our vision more prominent in our internal and external communications: a world where no one lives or dies without Christ.

  7. Does our doctrine change?

    No, our doctrine has not changed.

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