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Our logo tells a simple story:
It’s all about Him (Christ) in us, working together for the sake of the Harvest.

The logo presents a gathered bundle which brings to mind a bundle of wheat, signifying the harvest, with the cross in the middle.

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The CRoss

Since it‘s all about HIM, Christ, the cross is featured prominently in the middle

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The Bundle

The two sets of curved lines signify both the lost souls and us as Harvesters working in unity to bring in the harvest. The outer lines reflect those who are far from God and who we‘re called to reach. The inner lines reflect those who are already in the faith, the laborers.

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The GLobe

The circular text and the outer circle represents the entire globe and the various continents we are reaching. The words Harvest Intercontinental allows the logo the flexibility to be used at the global level, as well as the local level, due to the legal challenges of using the word Unlimited.


There are also 3 hidden Hs in the logo for Him (Christ), Harvest (Souls), and Harvesters (Believers working together in unity)

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